Welcome to Ohio Speedskating Association

The Ohio Speedskating Association is a non-profit organization with the objectives to encourage, advance, improve, and control amateur ice speedskating in the state of Ohio.  The OSA has a long history of success and active involvement in hosting national events. The organization was formed by small group of speedskating enthusiasts in early 1920’s and officially founded as an association of the Amateur Speedskating Union (now part of US Speedskating) in 1927.  The OSA clubs have produced numerous National and North American Champions, as well as World and Olympic Team members.  The Association has also hosted National Championships, World Team Trials, and North American Championships.


Ohio Speedskating Association - Ohio Invitational Meet

Sanctioned by the Ohio Speedskating Association and U.S. Speedskating

Heartland Speedskating Series

Saturday, December 4, 2021:

Check in at Cleveland Heights Rink  10:15-11:15 AM
Warm Up 11:45 AM
Racing12:45 to 8:00 PM

 Heartland Racing Series #3 (HRS)

This series will be run in conjunction with the Ohio Invitational. In order to qualify to skate in the HRS, a skater must be age 12 or older, and have achieved a 1000m seed time of 1:48 for men, 1:58 for ladies. Times must be skated since July 1, 2019 in a sanctioned competition with a published protocol or, as a special accommodation this year due to the impact of Covid on racing in the past year, in a practice since July 1, 2021 certified by a USS Certified Coach.  Skaters race the 500, 1000, and 1500, plus a special distance, time permitting. Please note that the HRS is open to any qualified skater nationwide or from other countries who wish to participate in this series.


Masters 40 & overJunior C (13-14)
Masters 30-39Junior D (11-12)
Senior (19+)*Junior E (9-10)
Junior A (17-18)*Junior F (7-8)
Junior B (15-16)*Tiny Tot (6 & under)

All-points format will be used.  All skaters, registered and novice are invited to enter.  Events and divisions may be combined based on entries and time constraints. 

*Junior E, Junior F and Tots will skate on 85m track.

Helmet Cover Deposit of $10.00 required at check-in – please have exact change


Lindsay’s Law

A new law was passed in Ohio and went into effect in July, 2017. All parents of competitors and competitors (19 years of age and younger) taking part in sporting events in the State of Ohio are required to complete a training video raising awareness of the danger of Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) in youth athletes. This is required as soon as you take part in an organized sporting event (race & camp) in Ohio and a signed form has to be on file on an annual basis. Coaches will have to view the video and review the handouts. This is now Ohio State Law.  To give you a head start, we have included all necessary documents here for your convenience. Lindsay’s Law

Please send all completed forms to Dennis Marquard at secretary@ohiospeedskating.com if you plan on competing or coaching in Ohio in the coming season. Doing this before the day(s) of the Ohio Invitational/Heartland Series event will save time during the registration process.  Thank you in advance for your understanding as we all abide by this law. 


Helmet, gloves, long sleeves, knee pads, neck protection and shin guards.


Individuals who are experiencing any possible symptoms of COVID-19 should not attend the event. Regardless of vaccination status, athletes, coaches, parents, spectators, and volunteers must wear masks at all times indoors EXCEPT when an athlete is on the ice surface or when an individual is consuming food or drink with at least 6 feet of distance between members of parties that did not travel together. While indoors, all individuals are expected to socially distance whenever possible unless they are with members of their household or traveling party. All individuals must follow the direction of our meet staff in relation to the above COVID measures. Violations may result in expulsion from the Cleveland Heights rink by direction of Meet Director or Chief Referee. These policies may be subject to change according to updates of COVID measures recommended by US Speedskating, the Cleveland Hts. Rink, the CDC and Local or State agencies.

Looking for volunteers to help with running the meet.  Click on link below to sign up.


For questions about the meet contact Dennis Marquard at email: secretary@ohiospeedskating.com

Registered Skaters

First NameLast NameGenderDivisionClub
MeenaRoseFemaleHeartland Racing Series #3Buffalo
EmmaLipaFemaleHeartland Racing Series #3Buffalo
NecoleZayatzFemaleMaster (Age 40 and Older) Buffalo
CharliePutnamMaleHeartland Racing Series #3Buffalo
GabrielHasselbackMaleHeartland Racing Series #3Buffalo
JadynClarkMaleJunior B (Ages 15-16)Buffalo
CraigPielechowskiMaleMaster (Age 40 and Older) Buffalo
MargoBurkeFemaleJunior B (Ages 15-16)Cleveland Hts
AudreyPeckaFemaleJunior F (Ages 7-8)Cleveland Hts
YusraKhokharFemaleJunior F (Ages 7-8)Cleveland Hts
ArthurSchmiedlMaleJunior B (Ages 15-16)Cleveland Hts
DrewHarmonMaleJunior B (Ages 15-16)Cleveland Hts
John PaulManningMaleJunior C (Ages 13-14)Cleveland Hts
DesmondThatcherMaleJunior C (Ages 13-14)Cleveland Hts
ZakariyaKhokharMaleJunior E (Ages 9-10)Cleveland Hts
JacobStainbrookMaleSenior (Age 19 and older)Cleveland Hts
JuiceOrtizMaleHeartland Racing Series #3Colorado Gold
AlexaFischerFemaleJunior B (Ages 15-16)Columbus
LisaTaniguchiFemaleJunior C (Ages 13-14)Columbus
IanFischerMaleJunior C (Ages 13-14)Columbus
KentoTaniguchiMaleJunior D (Ages 11-12)Columbus
HasanCampionMaleJunior D (Ages 11-12)Columbus
CraigHallidayMaleMaster (Age 40 and Older) Columbus
DavidProvodMaleJunior D (Ages 11-12)East Penn
BenjaminWobeserMaleJunior E (Ages 9-10)East Penn
KeithWobeserMaleMaster (Age 40 and Older) East Penn
DmitriyProvodMaleMaster (Age 40 and Older) East Penn
Luis FernandoMarimoto TaqueushiMaleJunior E (Ages 9-10)Full Throttle
BryanWangMaleJunior F (Ages 7-8)Full Throttle
VivaanGuptaMaleJunior F (Ages 7-8)Full Throttle
Joao GabrielMarimoto TaqueushiMaleTiny Tot (Age 6 and under)Full Throttle
AllenWuMaleJunior D (Ages 11-12)Garden State 
Jonathan Wu 6 9 11MaleJunior D (Ages 11-12)Garden State 
SamHabeckerMaleHeartland Racing Series #3Gateway
Simona OverfieldFemaleJunior B (Ages 15-16)Lakewood
SofiaKoonsFemaleJunior D (Ages 11-12)Lakewood
AddisonYaroshFemaleJunior D (Ages 11-12)Lakewood
BarbaraSmithFemaleJunior D (Ages 11-12)Lakewood
MadelineKoonsFemaleJunior E (Ages 9-10)Lakewood
MichaelSmithMaleJunior E (Ages 9-10)Lakewood
AndrewHoltzhauserMaleMaster (Age 40 and Older) Lakewood
SeanBaranMaleMaster (Age 40 and Older) Lakewood
JackKoonsMaleTiny Tot (Age 6 and under)Lakewood
CeiliNeorrFemaleJunior C (Ages 13-14)Lakewood 
RoryO’BrienMaleHeartland Racing Series #3Lakewood 
ColinMinerMaleJunior C (Ages 13-14)Lakewood 
ReedWinbiglerMaleJunior C (Ages 13-14)Lakewood 
DanielO’BrienMaleJunior C (Ages 13-14)Lakewood 
PhilipPettittMaleJunior E (Ages 9-10)Lakewood 
Patrick NeorrMaleMaster (Age 40 and Older) Lakewood 
MarcelloGaus EhningMaleHeartland Racing Series #3Northbrook
Leo ThompsonMaleHeartland Racing Series #3Northbrook
ElizaRhodehamelFemaleHeartland Racing Series #3Pinnacle
Brooke Derheimer FemaleHeartland Racing Series #3Pinnacle
AndreaCaoFemaleHeartland Racing Series #3Pinnacle
AidanLiuMaleHeartland Racing Series #3Pinnacle
Quinn Derheimer MaleHeartland Racing Series #3Pinnacle
WesleyJonesMaleHeartland Racing Series #3Pinnacle
BrandonLiaoMaleHeartland Racing Series #3Pinnacle
William WangMaleJunior D (Ages 11-12)Pinnacle
SophieKimFemaleJunior F (Ages 7-8)Pittsburgh
TaeyoungKimMaleMaster (Ages 30-39)Pittsburgh
JeanNOELMaleHeartland Racing Series #3Pittsburgh
MaddieReismanFemaleHeartland Racing Series #3Pittsburgh 
BenClendenning-KimMaleJunior C (Ages 13-14)Pittsburgh 
ShaneMillerMaleJunior D (Ages 11-12)Pittsburgh 
IanSulkoskeMaleJunior D (Ages 11-12)Pittsburgh 
HenrySeagravesMaleJunior F (Ages 7-8)Pittsburgh 
LarryDaileyMaleMaster (Age 40 and Older) Pittsburgh 
SydneyWongFemaleHeartland Racing Series #3Potomac
EllianaChoFemaleJunior F (Ages 7-8)Potomac
VeronicaSullivanFemaleJunior F (Ages 7-8)Potomac
SeanShuaiMaleHeartland Racing Series #3Potomac
SamirOuchikhMaleHeartland Racing Series #3Potomac
BenjaminSullivanMaleHeartland Racing Series #3Potomac
AidenZhangMaleJunior C (Ages 13-14)Potomac
LucasWuMaleJunior D (Ages 11-12)Potomac
GabrielRillottaMaleJunior D (Ages 11-12)Potomac
EthanLinMaleJunior D (Ages 11-12)Potomac
ILCHANBaeMaleJunior E (Ages 9-10)Potomac
IshanDixitMaleHeartland Racing Series #3Rochester
Christopher MonahanMaleJunior C (Ages 13-14)Syracuse
Xin-ye   (Michelle)LiuFemaleJunior C (Ages 13-14)United Capital
Joseph LiuMaleJunior D (Ages 11-12)United Capital
MartaMeehanFemaleHeartland Racing Series #3Wolverine 
HinakoMotaiFemaleJunior C (Ages 13-14)Wolverine 
NanakoMotaiFemaleJunior E (Ages 9-10)Wolverine 
JudithSmouterFemaleMaster (Age 40 and Older) Wolverine 
StephenLawrieMaleHeartland Racing Series #3Wolverine 
JaceMendozaMaleJunior D (Ages 11-12)Wolverine 

Lindsey’s Law and Ohio Return-To-Play Law

Lindsay’s Law

Lindsay’s Law was passed in Ohio and went into effect in July 2017. All parents of competitors AND competitors (19 years of age and younger) taking part in sporting events in the State of Ohio are required to complete a training video raising awareness of the danger of Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) in youth athletes. This is required as soon as you take part in an organized sporting event (race & camp) in Ohio and a signed form has to be on file on an annual basis. Coaches will have to view the video and review the handouts. This is now Ohio State Law. To give you a head start, we have included all necessary documents here for your convenience. Lindsay’s Law

Please send all forms to Dennis Marquard at secretary@ohiospeedskating.com if
you plan on competing or coaching in Ohio in the coming season. Doing this before the day(s) of the Ohio Invitational/Heartland Series event will save time during the registration process. Thank you in advance for your understanding as we all abide by this law.

Ohio Concussion Return-to Play Law 143

Ohio Law 143 or the Return-To-Play Law went into effect on April 26,2013.  The law requires youth coaches,
officials and referees to complete free, basic online training about concussions. All coaches (including assistants) and referees are required to take the online concussion course every three year. Visit the Ohio Dept of Health Youth Concussion website for more information and training.